Helping the homeless by a young Chinese man

Helping the homeless by a young Chinese man

A young Chinese man named "Kai Yanqiuyu" decided to devote all his time to caring for the homeless. He has set up a small booth in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China, where he waits for homeless people to come to the booth. He should refer.

A young Chinese man named "Kai Yanqiu" in a strange act, decided to devote all his time to caring for homeless people for the past three years. For this reason, he has created a small booth in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China, where he waits for homeless people to come to his small booth.


The main reason for this action of Mr. Kai goes back to his past in 1994 when his brother was suffering from epilepsy and suddenly he was away from home for a long time and when he returned home, he was in a bad condition and 3 days after his return He died at home.


He remembers the pain and heartbreak of his mother, who cried bitterly long after the death of Kai''s brother. But these were the reasons why Kai decided exactly from July 2016 to help homeless people during an action and provide them with important and useful tools along with his van.


Since then, he has managed to drive more than 90,000 kilometers in different parts of China and has managed to unite 50 other people in this relief project.

However, it is not easy to get close to this group of people and find out about their life story, and they will believe that you are the people who are from their family to bring them back home.

Kai Yanqiuyu even said that it might take him a week or more to gain the attention and trust of the homeless, which is certainly commendable for his efforts to take care of these people. 
