With the advent of COVID-19 coupled with traditional issues that have marginalized girls and women around the world including Uganda since March 2020. The vulnerability of girls and women has increased to the greatest extent. This was confirmed from a small survey conducted by the Kole Intellectual Forum from February to September 2020. When she enrolled 20 girls in her designed home economics program. 50% reported only on 9/30/2020 and 50% balance was lost due to this.
Although girls and women have a long history of marginalization, globally. It is unfortunate that most of the girls attend school specifically at Anjik Government Primary School in Bala County in Northern Uganda. For this reason, they face a very high dropout rate. Considering that: this school was the waste of the implementation of the elementary school with the district. With the advent of COVID-19 since March 2020; The situation is more than double.
Given that: the spread of the virus is decreasing globally. With the recommendation of the World Health Organization that: hand washing is the #1 tip to prevent the spread of COVID-19. So Kole Thought Society is pleased to promote quality, sustainable and potential education in Northern Uganda, Kole Region. The organization will continue to support the prevention of COVID-19 by providing liquid soap and face masks to homes, schools and hospitals.
Long-term impact
Kole Fakhri has designed the home economics program. That is, in order to train and employ those girls who increase the high rate of dropping out of school. It starts with 10 girls from Anjik Village, Bala County, Kole District, Northern Uganda. As a means of piloting the ongoing program in Abuke City Council, Cole District
Additional documents
The project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).